Combined Utilities Box Systems has but one objective, provide an American made product with the highest quality known and expected from a product Made in America.
It is our belief that it is time that “We The People” means us, the American citizens. It is time that some one takes the stand to bring the American manufacturing back to where it belongs, right here in our back yards.
The companies we represent are all American owned and operated manufacturing facilities in the United States. Their employees are citizens of this great country and are doing their very best to support the American way, their families, community and the economy of our great nation. These companies have joined the ranks to provide products that each and everyone can stand up and say “I made this with my own hands” and be proud of this accomplishment.
We have the skills; in fact, we most likely invented these skills to keep everyone in America working. Our philosophy is that if my neighbor doesn’t have a job, sooner or later we won’t have a job either. It is time that we mark that line in the sand and take our stand. We employ American citizens in American factories so that they can support the “American Way of Life”, something we take for granted at times.
Supporting American Manufacturers is supporting you, your family, your neighbor, your community, your State and your Nation. We can not wait for anyone to do this for you. Get out there and fight for what you believe. Buy into America.
Where do you stand?